*IMPORTANT NOTE: The fantasy of rape, and the reality of rape are two entirely different things, and never should one be mistaken for the other.
There is a story, as old as the hills they say, some say that it isn't a story, that it serves as a warning, others that it is a myth, nothing more than an old wives tale. I remember when I first heard the story, harmlessly told and filed away in the ranks of memory as nothing more than a simple story. Oh how I wish that I had listened, oh how I would love to have paid attention to the words and heeded their warning, I hear the rhyme within my head repeated over and over again, beneath the window put your bed, the moon rays shine upon your head, by morning time you'll wish you were dead. A simple rhyme, an innocent rhyme but why did I not listen? This is the story of that fateful night that I did not heed the chilling warning of the haunting rhyme.
It was late at night, Erica had finally finished unpacking the last box of the room. She looked around her room and let out a discontented sigh. Large cluttered piles had gathered about her bedroom, and the remainder of the house. She hated moving, hated the packing, and the unpacking. Sleep plagued her tired eyes. She glanced over at her unmade bed. She wanted to make it, too curl up beneath the warm sheets and sleep for the rest of eternity. But she couldn't be bothered making the bed.
Erica stumbled across the room as she navigated through piles of clothes, shoes. She cursed as she stumbled over two large pots and then wondered why she had brought them into the room instead of the kitchen. She shook her head as she flopped down onto the mattress. Her body instantly welcoming the soft padding, relaxing almost instantly.
She rolled onto her back, her eyelids becoming heavier by the second as the physical exertion of the day finally caught up with her. A slight twinkling caught her eye. She noticed that she had forgotten to close the blinds, the dark starry night staring back at her through the glass pane.
'Oh crap,' my bed is under the window. She muttered as her friends voice played in her head, a rhyme that she had not thought of for a long time, “beneath the window put your bed, the moon rays shine upon your head, by the morning you'll wish you were dead.' The voice played in her mind as she recalled the horrifying story she had heard as a child.
'Oh crap,' my bed is under the window. She muttered as her friends voice played in her head, a rhyme that she had not thought of for a long time, “beneath the window put your bed, the moon rays shine upon your head, by the morning you'll wish you were dead.' The voice played in her mind as she recalled the horrifying story she had heard as a child.
Erica opened her eyes once more and looked to the sky, she felt stupid as she did it but she quickly scanned the sky for a full moon, knowing that the horrifying events in the story she had heard only took place in the rays of a full moon. Content that she could not see the silvery disc of a full moon she closed her eyes and sleep quickly overcame her. Little did she know, that just out of view the blazing silvery disc of the moon was bathing the world beneath in it's eerie argent glow.
Erica awoke with a start. Her bloodshot eyes shot open wide as she lay there, she could feel her heart pounding within her chest. She shook her head trying to shake off the remnants of her disturbing dream that was quickly fading from memory. She quickly blinked a few times as her eyes tried to adjust to the darkness. She lifted her wrist and gazed at her watch. The hands informing her that it was a little after three am.
She dropped her wrist to her side and closed her eyes once more. Her mind going over the dream that she had just had, recalling details that she was trying to forget. Suddenly a realization popped into her mind, something that sent a slight shiver down her spine as she recalled her friends rhyme.
She could read her watch.
No sooner had she fully comprehended the realization then she quickly rolled onto her stomach. She felt her blood chill as her eyes fell upon the beaming disc of the moon staring back at her through her window pane.
'Oh god, don't be so stupid.' She muttered to herself as she shook her head feeling a little stupid over being scared by the moon. She rolled onto her side, pulling the blanket up over herself.
However now that she had had the thought Erica couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.. She craned her neck slightly and looked once more upon the moon. Content that nothing was coming to get her she once more returned to a comfortable position and closed her eyes, trying to shake off thoughts of evil.
However now that she had had the thought Erica couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.. She craned her neck slightly and looked once more upon the moon. Content that nothing was coming to get her she once more returned to a comfortable position and closed her eyes, trying to shake off thoughts of evil.
As she lay there she could hear the silence of the room. The blanket shifted slightly and once more her eyes shot open. Her heart pounding within her chest. She held her breath as she lay frozen upon the bed, straining her ears to hear the slightest sound. After a tense moment she came to the conclusion that she must have moved the blanket slightly without realizing it.
No sooner had she closed her eyes then once more the blanket shifted, slightly further this time. As though someone was pulling it gently from the bottom of the bed. Erica shot straight up in her bed. Her eyes searching for the darkness. There was nothing. Not a sound except for the pounding of her heart within her ears.
No sooner had she closed her eyes then once more the blanket shifted, slightly further this time. As though someone was pulling it gently from the bottom of the bed. Erica shot straight up in her bed. Her eyes searching for the darkness. There was nothing. Not a sound except for the pounding of her heart within her ears.
Erica sat there, her knees hugged to her chest as fear gripped at her chest, she peered into the darkness but could see nothing. But she couldn't help but shake the feeling that something was there, something was watching her. Eyes in the darkness.
Erica felt her blood run cold as the floorboard in the hallway outside her bedroom creaked.
'Oh shit!' She gasped as she leaped to her feet and dove across her bedroom. Her body slammed into the door and pushed it closed with a loud crack as she quickly grabbed hold of the lock and clicked it closed. Her heart beating so hard that she felt it would leap out of her throat as she took a step back staring wholly at the door handle.
'Oh shit!' She gasped as she leaped to her feet and dove across her bedroom. Her body slammed into the door and pushed it closed with a loud crack as she quickly grabbed hold of the lock and clicked it closed. Her heart beating so hard that she felt it would leap out of her throat as she took a step back staring wholly at the door handle.
She watched, she waited. Nothing.
A loud bang echoed off the wooden bedroom door and Erica let out a slight yelp. Fear tightening upon her chest like a boa-constrictor squeezing every last inch of air from her lungs. Instinctively Erica reached for her purse tearing through it's contents, her mind racing as she searched for her phone.
Another loud bang upon the door. Erica felt her heart skip a beat in unison with the loud thud. Finally she produced her cell phone and quickly hit the buttons. The cell phone beeped and then went dull.
'No, no, no, no.' She whimpered as another thud echoed off her door. She banged her phone against her hand as she glanced around at the piles that lay all over the floor, she wondered which one contained her charger, if any.
Then she realized that she had plugged her charger in in the kitchen, she felt her heart sink, nausea rising in her stomach, she had meant to plug her phone in earlier but forgotten.
Another bang shook the door violently. Erica quickly searched the room, looking for something, anything, to defend herself with. Then she saw the window. She took one quick glance at the door, making sure it was locked before springing across the room and onto the bed, she looked out of the window. It was a two story house, a straight drop down the yard below. She wondered if she would survive the jump without breaking a leg.
Another bang shook the door violently. Erica quickly searched the room, looking for something, anything, to defend herself with. Then she saw the window. She took one quick glance at the door, making sure it was locked before springing across the room and onto the bed, she looked out of the window. It was a two story house, a straight drop down the yard below. She wondered if she would survive the jump without breaking a leg.
Erica turned her attention back to the door as she contemplated the consequences of jumping from the window. It would be worth it. She thought to herself. It was then that realized that the banging had stopped. Erica turned, her eyes fixated upon the door. Her mind swimming with possibilities as she slowly crept towards the now silent door.
She waited, watching, waiting for another bang to shake her bedroom door. But there was nothing, not a sound. Her eyes fixed upon the door handle. She wondered if she should open it. Her heart began to beat faster. Her breath shallow as she waited.
A shadow upon the door caught her attention. She wondered where it was coming from, it looked almost like two arms outstretched, reaching for her. Erica spun around expecting someone to be behind her.
She turned her attention back the door, wondering why the banging had stopped. What was the shadow?
Suddenly two hands leaped from the shadows, Erica shrieked as she leaped back from the shadowy hands. Gasping for breath as she jumped up onto the bed. The hands where gone.
Erica was upon the verge of hyperventilation as she glanced all about the room, her mind convinced that all of the shadows were moving.
Erica was upon the verge of hyperventilation as she glanced all about the room, her mind convinced that all of the shadows were moving.
'Under the window put your bed.' A chilling voice whispered into the night air. Erica spun around looking for the origin of the voice, but could see nothing. 'the moons rays upon your head.' The voice whispered sinisterly. Erica could feel the tears welling up in her eyes as horror consumed her. 'By the morning you'll wish you were dead.' The horrid whisper finished the haunting rhyme. Once more the room returned to silence.
Suddenly the window behind her shattered. Erica spun around as she screamed in fright. Standing in the window a man cloaked in a silvery glow was standing, hovering in mid-air. A wicked smile upon his thin lips.
Erica turned and bolted for her door. She fumbled with the lock, but it was too late. She felt a pair of cold powerful hands upon her shoulders. She shrieked as the figure threw her backwards onto the bed.
'Can't have you leaving so soon.' The figure teased as he came into Erica's field of view. She made to get up. But the man placed a finger upon her forehead.
Erica felt something like ice spreading through her body, it's spidery tendrils spreading throughout her flesh. She made to move, but she couldn't, she tried to scream but nothing came out. She was frozen in time, unable to move, unable to flee, unable to call out for help.
She could see the figure, standing by her bed, lust in his eyes, a contented smile upon his lips.
'You are a delightful specimen,' He cooed. Erica could feel his eyes traveling up and down her body. Her heart began to beat harder and harder. She felt the man grab a handful of her shirt. He pulled hard and a ripping sound filled her ears as her shirt was torn free from her body. He didn't hesitate before doing the same to her pants.
Erica felt something like ice spreading through her body, it's spidery tendrils spreading throughout her flesh. She made to move, but she couldn't, she tried to scream but nothing came out. She was frozen in time, unable to move, unable to flee, unable to call out for help.
She could see the figure, standing by her bed, lust in his eyes, a contented smile upon his lips.
'You are a delightful specimen,' He cooed. Erica could feel his eyes traveling up and down her body. Her heart began to beat harder and harder. She felt the man grab a handful of her shirt. He pulled hard and a ripping sound filled her ears as her shirt was torn free from her body. He didn't hesitate before doing the same to her pants.
Erica tried to whimper as she lay there frozen and naked, but she couldn't even manage that. She tried to close her eyes but couldn't. She lay there completely stiff. She heard the bed springs creak and groan as the silvery figure climbed onto the bed. She felt his flesh brush against hers.
A fingertip touched against her nipple. Erica wanted to scream, but couldn't. Suddenly the figures tongue flicked upon her nipple followed by his warm lips enveloping it in a gentle kiss. Erica tried to get away, she tried to move, she tried to kick, she tried to scream, but she could do nothing. The silvery figure had frozen her. He had frozen her and stripped her naked and was going to have his way with her, and there was nothing she could do about it.
A fingertip touched against her nipple. Erica wanted to scream, but couldn't. Suddenly the figures tongue flicked upon her nipple followed by his warm lips enveloping it in a gentle kiss. Erica tried to get away, she tried to move, she tried to kick, she tried to scream, but she could do nothing. The silvery figure had frozen her. He had frozen her and stripped her naked and was going to have his way with her, and there was nothing she could do about it.
She cringed as she felt his throbbing cock press against her labia. She felt a lump forming in her throat. The figure stared deep into her eyes with his silver eyes that looked like the moon.
'Under the window put your bed.' The figure teased as he thrust against her. Erica felt an explosion of intensity roar through her pelvis as he slid into her, his pulsating penis penetrating deep inside of her.
'Under the window put your bed.' The figure teased as he thrust against her. Erica felt an explosion of intensity roar through her pelvis as he slid into her, his pulsating penis penetrating deep inside of her.
'The moon rays upon your head.' He said as he gently kissed upon her forehead. His hips slowly gyrating back and forth as he thrust in and out of her deeper and deeper.
'By the morning you'll wish you were dead.' He finished the rhyme.
He thrust himself harder and harder, deeper and deeper faster and faster. Erica could feel every inch of his solid cock gliding in and out of her tight pussy. Every thrust pressing against her g-spot. She could feel the pleasure building as he continued to pound upon her. Her body tightening. She could feel her pussy beginning to clench down upon his cock.
'By the morning you'll wish you were dead.' He finished the rhyme.
He thrust himself harder and harder, deeper and deeper faster and faster. Erica could feel every inch of his solid cock gliding in and out of her tight pussy. Every thrust pressing against her g-spot. She could feel the pleasure building as he continued to pound upon her. Her body tightening. She could feel her pussy beginning to clench down upon his cock.
She wanted to scream as the orgasm overtook her but she couldn't, her body exploding with pleasured delight, her flesh inflamed with passion as she came. Her tight pussy devouring the figures cock. The figure grunted and groaned as he continued to thrust himself in and out of her.
Suddenly the man pulled himself from her, she could see him standing over her, holding his erect cock in his hand as he masturbated suddenly he erupted, she could feel the warm spray of his come splattering all over her frozen naked body, his silvery glittery come raining down upon her flesh.
Suddenly the man pulled himself from her, she could see him standing over her, holding his erect cock in his hand as he masturbated suddenly he erupted, she could feel the warm spray of his come splattering all over her frozen naked body, his silvery glittery come raining down upon her flesh.
Erica awoke with a start. She squinted as the bright morning sun assaulted her sleepy eyes. She shuddered as she recalled the events of the previous night. She spun around where she sat. The window was still in tact. She looked down to see that her clothes were still upon her. She shook her head as her mind swam.
She could have sworn that it hadn't been a dream, the event had been so real, she thought to herself as she headed towards the bathroom. Her mind's eye replaying the horrifying encounter with the silvery figure the night before. She shuddered as she thought about it, thankful that it had been a dream.
'Stupid rhyme,' She mumbled as she closed the bathroom door and turned on the shower. She undressed, the cool morning air quickly embracing her flesh. As she walked by the mirror back to the shower something caught her attention.
Erica turned and looked in the mirror, there was something, something clinging to the side of her breast. Erica looked down and saw the silvery, glittery goop upon her breast and felt her blood run cold. She felt as though she could faint. Her heart began to pound once more, her body quivering as she recalled the rhyme, 'Under the window put your bed, the moon rays upon your head, by the morning you'll wish you were dead.” A chill ran down her spine, never again would she sleep in the rays of the moon.
© Jessica Carmichael 2009
Very nice! Would love to see what you think of my (rape-themed) stories - start with this one, perhaps? http://wannabe-rapist.blogspot.com/2010/04/dear-ashley.html