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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Does a Woman need to Orgasm?

Dear diary,
Does a woman need to orgasm? What the hell sort of a question is that? I'm sitting down flicking through Dean's latest copy of playboy and this is what I find, Does a woman really need to orgasm?

Now I have to be fair to Playboy here, they were posing the question from a scientific point of view in regards to reproduction, now yes while it may be imperative that the man comes in order to reproduce, it is just as important for a woman to come, maybe not for reproduction reasons but for others. For a start if a woman doesn't orgasm it can have very detrimental affects upon her physical and mental well-being.

Sex is much more than a pleasurable activity, a means of reproduction or a hormonal discharge. More and more research is pointing towards the indicators of the health benefits of a woman's orgasm. Sex is good for;

  • Improving cardiovascular health
  • Improving your sleep
  • Provides the benefits of exercise, (one sexual encounter is the equivalent of running 15 minutes on a treadmill.)
  • Sex helps relieve pain (like headaches, migraines, back-pain, athritis)
  • Decreases depression
  • Relieves stress

Now those are just the benefits, what about the DANGERS of having sex without orgasming? Scientists have come to the conclusion that women need to orgasm regularly. Otherwise the woman may develop diseases like mastopathy or myoma due to stagnated blood. When lacking orgasm the female body undergoes serious stress. Arousal leads to increased levels of the hormone estrogen and the blood surges to the reproductive organs. During orgasm the stagnated blood is removed and the body is cleansed of pathogenic bacteria.

When the orgasm is not reached, blood stagnates and the body may develop various diseases. At first, scientists proved that lack of orgasm has a negative effect on health in males. According to the data collected by specialists at the Royal University in Belfast, the males, who experience orgasm regularly while having sex, live twice as long as the ones who experience it rarely.

How often you have sex in no less important for health in males and females. Scientists recommend to go for intimacy as often as possible to those who wish to maintain their health and youth.

So sorry Playboy, a woman DOES need to orgasm, maybe it's not necessary in reproduction terms but it is in every other sense. Besides if a woman enjoys sex isn't she more likely to come back for more?I was so angry when I read this article, I'm just thankful I have Dean, he's not satisfied until I come.

Till next time,

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