The foaming water bubbled vigorously about Belinda's breasts. The pressured jets of streaming water massaging upon her flesh. A contented smile crossed her soft lips as she lay back her head and closed her eyes. The gentle scent of lavender wafting upon the air rising from the flickering candles that illuminated the bathroom in a gentle orange glow.
The peaceful atmosphere soaked deep into Belinda's body, every inch of her mind, body, and soul slowly relaxing, refreshing from the trials of the day. She picked up the glass of wine that sat on the edge of the spa, the cool glass upon her lips as she took a small sip. She felt divine, as though she were in heaven floating upon a cloud.
Belinda heard the bathroom door open and close, she opened her eyes to see her husband slowly undressing before her, the steam rising from the luxuriously heated water swirling about his body as he removed his pants. The swirling mists clinging to his body, condensation forming upon his toned torso. Shimmering in the light of the candles.
She watched him as he stepped into the spa, his naked body slowly disappearing beneath the foaming water as he slowly lowered himself down beside her. She felt a tingle of excitement briefly brush through her hips as their sides connected, flesh, upon flesh within the warm water.
'How was your day?' Belinda's husband questioned, his voice soothing. Belinda rolled her eyes in response to his question as he leaned back placing his arm around her shoulders.
'That good,' He replied sarcastically as she lay her head upon his chest, she could hear his heart beating beneath his flesh, the soft rhythmic pounding relaxing her even further.
'I love you,' He said as his hand rubbed down the length of her back, his fingertips brushing slightly against her buttocks. She swelled at the thought of having him inside of her. His lips pressed against her forehead, a reassuring kiss, a relaxing kiss, a kiss that told her that all would be well.
Another hand brushed against her cheek, then traipsed across the nape of her neck. Belinda's breath quivered ever so slightly with the sensual stimulation. Onwards the fingers journeyed, traveling across her shoulder and down upon her breast. She could feel the blood beginning to pump throughout her as his finger slowly traced circles around her nipple, taking care never to touch, teasing with their closeness. Beneath the water the fingers moved, following the curves of her body, tracing the flesh upon her stomach.
Belinda shifted her legs, she wanted his fingers upon her, she wanted his fingers to rub against her, she wanted his fingers inside of her. A gentle moan of pleasure crossed her lips as his fingers brushed by her, tickling upon her thigh, tortuously close to her lips, but finger and lips they did not meet. The fingers moving further down her thigh, her muscles quivered with delight. The anticipation building, she knew that he could not reach beyond her knee.
His fingers moved once more, rubbing once more along her thigh, closer he moved towards her lips, with every passing moment the anticipation rose within her. Her heart beating harder and harder as closer and closer he drew. Gently she bit upon her lip, the anticipation almost to much to bare as his fingers neared her, but then they veered away, tracing the flesh of her hip, moving onwards and then journeying across her buttocks.
Up her back his fingers moved, slowly making their way around her side, once more climbing upon her breast. The sensations building within her flesh. His finger brushed against her nipple, a wave of glory burst through her flesh as round and round his finger moved dancing generously with her pert nipple.
Down and down his finger moved, from off her breast, across her stomach, downwards and downwards. His free hand lifted her chin, he gazed lovingly into her eyes, his fingers nearing as he leaned in, his soft wet lips pressed against hers, she felt his tongue sliding upon hers as his fingers brushed upon the flesh of her lips.
Belinda moaned once more with pleasure as they kissed, his fingers massaging upon her lips. Her flesh beginning to burn with desire as the kiss slowly drifted from the realms of gentle intimacy to burning passion. Her heart beating harder and faster as his fingers continued massaging her lips, still he did not enter. More and more she moaned the pleasure mounting, she wanted his fingers to dance upon her clitoris wanted them to meet in euphoria.
Her eyes rolled, a deep and powerful moan escaping her soul as his fingers rubbed against her clitoris.
'Oh god,' She breathed as the feeling embraced her. His fingers sliding back and forth against her. One finger on either side of her clitoris, wedging it between, back and forth he rubbed.
Belinda slowly rocked her pelvis back and forth to meet his fingers wondrous movements. Her heart pounding harder and harder as he moved. The pleasure rising, she could feel her muscles tightening. Her body trying to contain the imminent explosion.
She cried aloud in ecstasy as he plunged his fingers deep inside of her. Her tightness clenching down upon him as he slid back and forth, his fingertips jamming against her goddess spot. Her heart exploding with every contact. More and more he thrust against her. More and more his fingers triggered larger and larger explosions of pleasure that ripped through her pelvis. Her body could contain it no more.
An uncontrollable cry of passion roared from within her lungs as the orgasm ripped through her body, devouring her, her flesh exploding with a tingling of passion, her muscles quivering and rippling with bliss, her mind silent as the orgasm fed upon her.
Belinda felt her husband slowly slide his fingers from within her, the very action sending waves of pleasure rolling through her already ravaged body. His hands guided her to move, blissful and content she obliged as she positioned herself upon her knees.
'Oh god,' She gasped as she clasped upon the side of the spa. The wondrous jet of streaming water gushing upon her clitoris, invigorating it with it's constant flow.
'Oh fuck,' She gasped as the pleasure once more began to rise. She felt her husband behind her. Belinda felt his head against her, felt his head against her lips, begging for entry. The jet of water still flowing upon her clitoris
'Oh shit!' She screamed loudly as he slipped inside of her, he too moaned as her tight pussy clenched down upon him, another orgasm tearing through her, the stimulation to much to bare. Her body exploding.
Back and forth he thrust against her, his deep moans echoing in her ears. The jet of water flowing against her pulsating clitoris. His hard shaft rubbing against her clitoris. The orgasm intensifying. Her body clenching hard as she screamed trying to vent the pleasure from her body. More and more, deeper and deeper, harder and harder he thrust. She could feel her muscles tightening, her body stiffening, she couldn't control it. She had surrendered control of her body to the orgasm. The orgasm that was now tearing upon her.
One final explosion ripped through her body. She felt her head swimming as together they screamed a lovers scream, together they came, one upon the other, her tight pussy devouring his penis as they climaxed together their juices flowing freely in the spa.
© Jessica Carmichael 2009
I like the story so much. You describe the image so well, that I feel my libido rising, and i am willing to try this image with the first woman i will date..